Shadows (Scenes from Oblivion - Sipario)

Live again without a reason
To believe in what I feel tonight
No one shiver, no one night
I see Heaven and hell inside

Flying tears, escape from what I feel
Tonight I find a shadow to convey
Fear inside, no one can deny
No more tears lost this night
I can deny (x 2)

Fight against the troubles that lies hidden by this veil
And you won’t never know the truth inside
Try to get a key to unlock the Heaven’s door this night
When you cried I’d wipe away all of your tears

Slowly ships find my way
into this dream made of my sins
fear inside, no one can confuse
my faith never can be mine

Testo e musica di Daniele Tari

Per saperne di più sul significato del testo e sull'album clicca qui.
O vai direttamente alle seguenti pagine del sito web
Scenes from Oblivion - Plot (ITA - ENG)
Scenes from Oblivion - Songs (ITA - ENG)


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